Academic year 2011/2012 

Calendar Year  May 2013 - Jan 2014


Objectives :To understand wide range of topics in compiler design.

Syllabus :

    • Formal Languages : Language definition, grammers, finite state automata, regular expressions, lexical analysis.
    • Syntax analysis : BNF, context-free grammars, recognisers, parse trees, top-down parsing, recursive descent, ambiguity, left recursion, backtracking, Warshall’s algorithm, context clashes, Bottom-up parsing, operator precedence grammars, constructing precedence matrices, producing abstract syntax trees and semantic actions, symbol and type tables, syntax directed translation.
    • Storage Allocation : Run-time stack, heap, dope vectors, garbage collection
    • Code Generation : Stack machines, assembly Language, P-Code, generating code for some typical constructs, machine code generation and optimisation.
    • Error Diagnostics and recovery: Types of errors (lexical errors, syntax errors, type errors, runtime errors), detection of errors, recovery.
    • Compiler construction tools : Yacc, Lex.

Evaluation :

In-Course Assessments :  Two In-Course Assessments : An In-Course Assessment may be either a written examination of half an hour duration or an assignment or a poster presentation or a Multimedia presentation. (30%) 
End of Course Examination: A written examination of three hours duration, where students will be required to answer four out of six questions (70%)

Objectives :

    • To introduce basic concepts and techniques of Data Mining and Machine learning.
    • To develop skills of using recent data mining and machine learning software for solving practical problems.

Syllabus :

    • Introduction: Data Mining and Machine Learning, Data collection and ware house, Data cleaning and preparation for Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Representation .
    • Classification : Basic methods, Decision Trees, Rule-based methods.
    • Neural networks : Introduction to neural networks, Multilayer neural networks,  Error Back-propagation algorithm, RBF networks.
    • Stochastic methods: Simulated annealing, Genetic algorithms, Genetic programming.
    • Bayesian Learning : Bayesian decision theory (Continuous features, Discrete features), Bayesian belief networks.
    • Clustering: Unsupervised Learning, K-means clustering, Unsupervised Bayesian learning, Kohonen networks.

Evaluation :

In-Course Assessments : Two In-Course Assessments :  An In-Course Assessment may be either a written examination of half an hour duration or an assignment or a poster presentation or a Multimedia presentation. (30%) 
End of Course Examination :  A written examination of three hours duration, where students will be required to answer four out of six questions. (70%)

Lecturers: Dr. A. Ramanan and Dr. E.Y.A. Charles

Reference Book: Data Mining, Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques. By Ian H. Wiyyen and Eibe Frank -

Software: WEKA -

Advanced Algorithms - 4 credits

2-4 in-course exams:  30-60 miniutes each

 an end of course exam: 03 hours